Spring has sprung! We decided to do a garden table with potted plants as our low maintenance start at growing this spring. Sometimes a small start is still a good start and possibly one day we will grow into a larger more established garden. But for now, harvesting our tiny strawberries and smelling our sage has been just the hint of spring our family has needed.
I pray you are filled with new hope as we officially jump into spring. As always with our #CirklesCheckIns, I encourage you to do some of this with yourself and family as well to catalogue history and feed on gratitude.
Here are some things we are learning, loving and looking forward to these days!
I’m learning that not everything needs my attention and time, and I’m the only one who can give it and take it away. Join me in taking this as permission to be in charge of your eyes, ears and emotions.
I‘m loving learning alongside our TBI students, sabbath dinners with our family, and teaching Oliver for our need of Jesus by ways of actions, consequences, and self control choices.
Looking Forward To
The Masters, Easter, and time with extended family.
1.Learning :
”What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear. And what a privilege to carry, Everything to God in prayer.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear.
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer.”
My solo mornings again. I adore my children and any morning snuggles and cuddles I get with them. But I’m happy to report after waking up at 5am every.single.morning for 17 months, Eleanor just one day started waking up at 6:30am! Still early, but I’ll take it! Having 60-90min of solo time with the Lord and in my home, before the day starts has been deeply refreshing.
3.Looking Forward To:
I‘m giving myself a few here :)
-EASTER! I love Easter! It’s probably my favorite holiday! It‘s deeply important to my faith and I love getting my family dressed up in our best to capture some seasonal memories.
-I’m also VERY excited to be going to a conference in May for homeschool moms called “Wild and Free”! Regardless of the education path in the future for our family, this is a community I want to get in the middle of and a space I want to learn from.
- Words can not express the joy I have in knowing Discovery Camp is reopening! Even though I’m not “on staff” any more I‘m very much “in heart” and I’m going to weasel my way in as much as I can!
Oliver (3 years old)
*Oliver has turned three years old! He is kind and thoughtful. I’m extra proud of him this season for his love towards his sister, the deep, intricate pretend play he’s cultivating, and his decision to praise Jesus with his whole heart!
1.Learning : Oliver is learning everything about the human body. He has become obsessed with all things bones, muscles, and organs. We’ve watched all the videos, read all the books, and are now onto any “doctor” or “body” toys.
2. Loving:
Super Wings is a cute new show we stumbled upon. It’s on Amazon Prime and is about an airplane/robot that delivers packages to children around the world. Every episode is a different country with their language and fun facts about it. *If you have a paw patrol fan, this is an “educational“ version.
3. Looking Forward to:
Grandma’s beach party! My mom has started tradition of going as a family to the beach and Oliver is counting down the days!
Eleanor (18 months)
Eleanor is 18 months and has absolutely blossomed! This is personally one of my favorite ages so I’m loving this stage of motherhood. I’m extra proud of Eleanor’s choice to make people feel loved by giving hugs and high fives. She truly brightens up any room.
1. Learning : Eleanor is learning vocabulary! Wowza. She is saying 3 syllable words and 4 word sentence. She is chatting and singing non stop and we love it!
2. Loving : Eleanor is loving this toy! I prefer non battery toys, but this one has been Eleanor’s favorite for months! She loves the songs and pretending to pour tea for all her stuffed animals. The past few weeks she’s really gotten into the puzzle portion of it. This is winning gift for a little girl in your life.
3. Looking Forward To :
The next time we can go “Ow-sigh” (Outside). This girl is a sunshine gal through and through.
Praying your spring is full of
Friendship with Jesus!
Fresh hope and joy found in His community!
Gratitude for the millions of “small” miracles that are easily overlooked
We Are Praying For You! Abby
***Don’t forget …The Cirkles are cheering you on!